One-Stop E-Shop for Health, Wellness & Fitness

Ways To Earn Points

Create An Account
1 Point

Write Product Review on AMGD FB Page
2 Points

Complete Account Details Including D.O.B And Occupation
3 Points

Refer a Friend
3 Points

Purchase of Passes
Thrill Pass 3 Points
Blissful Pass 6 Points
Happy Pass 20 Points
Gold Pass 45 Points

Purchase Streak & Pass Renewal
10 days in a month: 3 points
15 days in a month: 5 points
20 days in a month: 10 points
Renew AMGD pass once: 3 points
Renew AMGD pass 2 times in a row: 10 points
Upgrade AMGD pass once: 7 points
Upgrade AMGD pass 2 times in a row: 25 points